Our membership comprises of these categories:
Boys and girls between the age of 8 and 11 years and with written consent from their parents or guardians may join a St. John Junior division. The focus of this membership group is to encourage their mental and physical development and to prepare them for the challenges of being a Cadet.
They are exposed to the “Essential of First Aid” subject and will include other subjects such as First Aid and Nursing, Knowledge of the History of SJAM, Road and Home Safety, General Knowledge and Physical Recreation as the progress in their Junior membership. These members will not carry out any first aid duties.
Enrolment as a Cadet member must be between the age of 10 and 18 years and with parental or guardian consent. Prior to this, they need not be a Junior member.
First aid and home nursing instructional meetings are conducted for these members to be trained as qualified first aiders and fit for carrying out public duties anywhere under the guidance of senior members and officers. In addition, other youth leadership and development programmes are organized for their benefits such as Cadet Proficiency Scheme, Cadet Leadership Development seminars and other youth oriented activities.
Members above 16 years of age and below 65 years old are admitted as Adult members. These members will carry out advanced first aid and basic life saving activities and support the qualified medical personnel such as paramedics and doctors. Suitable members are promoted as officers of SJAM.
The primary duty of all members of SJAM is to render first aid and care to the community. All members are required to keep themselves qualified and efficient through re-examinations and public duties.
If you are keen to help the community and equip yourself with first aid practical knowledge, sign up with any of our St. John Ambulance division. Contact the nearest St. John Ambulance office near you or your school unit.